Tuesday, 19 January 2010


It's 3.38am, it's pissing outside, I can't get a wink of sleep and I am totally one hundred percent PISSED OFF. 

Why Why oh why do u think I'm so pissed off? I'll tell you why ...

Being the good girl I am I decided to not waste my time facebook stalking people I don't really give a shit about and instead I would look for an internship. This is my attempt at being constructive and trying to do something worthwhile.

So after about 1 hour and a half of endless searching I finally find this amazing site called topintenships.com. I am literally over the moon when I find this...at last a website with useful information! I type in my details name, birthday, place of residence (couldn't believe Egypt was on the list aslan) and then comes my university. So as I scroll down to find the name of my beloved university the GUC I find...absolutely nothing. I expected it I guess so I didn't feel too bad. It's not very likely that a UK intership search engine would have a list of Egyptian universities but just to check I looked again. What did I find? Ain Shams and Cairo Uni. OK... also expected as they are after all the oldest established universities in Egypt. BUT THEN CAN YOU BELIEVE IT... I found the American University in Cairo!!

Oh oh wait not just that there's also an American University in Beirut, Dubai, Sharijah and Paris. I couldn't believe the amount of bullshit universities listed. 

There's a university called the University of Greenwich Pakistan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every single University in Tel Aviv is listed..... EVERY SINGLE ONE. WTF

Most people won't understand why it made me feel angry, I certainly wouldn't have expected this reaction from myself. It's just that if every single bloody bull shit university is recgonised then why isn't the GUC amongst them! We should be between Georgia University and Gifu university :D

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